Lech lecha

The Go for it Yeshiva


Not finding themselves in conventional educational frameworks, they came to Atid’s Yeshivat Lech Lecha, where the classroom is the outdoors, and the teachers are Land Rover jeep driving rabbis. In the first-of-its-kind institution, Israel’s most complex high school dropouts face intense educational expeditions.

  • They blaze trails to learn Jewish history and Tanach.
  • They ascend ancient mounds to discover archeological secrets of the past.
  • They study geography, biology, and civics in Israel’s deserts and rolling hills.

With the help of dynamic teachers, special interest clubs (martial arts, film, music), and an intimate student/staff ratio of 6:1, Lech Lecha takes Israel’s young social outcasts from despair to self-esteem and builds for them a positive future. Atid’s Lech Lecha works in conjunction with the Ministry of Education and Manifa.

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